Idaho State Bar’s Distinguished Lawyer Award, 2020.
ISB Family Law Section Award of Distinction for outstanding service and singular achievement by a member of the Idaho legal community in family law matters, 2019.
Idaho State Bar’s Professionalism Award, 2018 (“one of the highest honors any Idaho lawyer might receive during his or her career”)
University of Idaho Excellence in Outreach & Engagement Award, 2017-18
Idaho Business Review Leaders in Law, Educator Award, November 16, 2017, Boise, ID
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Certificate of Appreciation for Pro Bono Service (Co-Award), May 2009
Alumni Award of Excellence for Faculty, 2006, 1999, 1998
Designated the Alan G. Shephard Professor of Law, 2004-5
“Criminal Mediation Has Taken Root in Idaho’s Courts,” The Advocate (May 2013).
“Dreamers and Visionaries: The History of ADR in Idaho,” 46 Idaho L. Rev.177 (2009) (52 pages).
“The Mediator as Fugu Chef: Preserving Protections without Poisoning the Process,” 49 South Tex L. Rev. 943 (2008) (43 pages).
“Remarks on Case-Management Criminal Mediation,”40 Idaho L. Rev. 571 (2004) (50 pages).
“Preserving the Integrity of Mediation through the Adoption of Ethical Rules for Lawyer-Mediators,” 14 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 479 (2000) (47 pages).
“Toward the Making of Good Lawyers: How an Appellate Clinic Satisfies the Professional Objectives of the MacCrate Report,” 33 Gonzaga L. Rev. 1 (1997) (59 pages).
“Case-Management Criminal Mediation Offers Promise But Requires Caution,” The Advocate (November 2004).
“Remarks on Case-Management Criminal Mediation,” XXXIV, No. 3. Florida Criminal Law Journal 6 (Summer 2004).
“Gacaca Courts: The Hope for Reconciliation in the Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide,” 46 The Advocate 19 (May 2003).
“Can Informed Consent Preserve the Integrity of Mediation,” 43 The Advocate 12 (November 2000).
“Interviewing in a Changing World: How to Conduct a Pre-Employment Interview within the Bounds of the Law,” 35 The Advocate 12 (December 1992).